Remedies to improve power in men may well help to combat erectile dysfunction and prostatitis. They improve the production of testosterone, which is especially important after the "male menopause". These recipes have and for the women, they help to fight against inflammation, and normalize the synthesis of estrogen.
The reasons for the decline of the power

All the factors that affect the activity can be divided into two groups: psychogenic and neuronal.
- The fatigue and mental exhaustion due to high loads (a big responsibility on the job, the emotional experience, mental workload related to the school or to the transformation of large amounts of information);
- Depression or subdepressivee the state;
- Posttromboticeski syndrome (state after having survived severe life events, e.g., divorce, death of a loved one, etc);
- Lack of self-confidence and increased anxiety, associated with failures in his personal life, the dissatisfaction of his appearance, of the size of your penis, etc;
- Hypochondriasis – excessive preoccupation with their health, when man's search for a non-existent disease or greatly exaggerates the risk of the available and the fear of losing the male power for always;
- Conflicts with the partner, have led to the disappearance of sexual desire for her.
For male potency
For improving male potency as in old age and youth, are in need of a large amount of nutrients. This is to ensure the male body in vitamins and minelayers is best suited to folk ways. To enhance the male power, you need trace elements:
- Zinc;
- Selenium;
- Chrome;
- Magnesium;
- The vitamins of the group;
- Vitamin C;
- Vitamin A;
- The Vitamin Is-To-Say
Rarely, you may call the traditional methods of fast. An increase of the power of the means of the population for 3 days to produce will be difficult. Need a longer treatment. Indeed, traditional medicine consists mainly of natural ingredients. They help not immediately but more stable than in the excitatory tablets.
The pumpkin
A useful tool for men products is the pumpkin. The biggest advantage it brings to the form of pumpkin pie from fresh juice, not having undergone heat treatment of the seeds.
In dishes with pumpkin contains a large amount of zinc. This element is necessary male body to in large amounts to produce testosterone. This is particularly important, if the man is old.
And the fatty acids help the representatives of the stronger sex all ages. In fact, the prostatitis in the modern times strongly was rejuvenated and omega 3, the best prevention of it.
We offer two special of the order, famous among the Russian folk methods:
- The balls of pumpkin seeds with honey. Download in a mincer with 0.5 kg of fresh seeds, not roasted. Add a cup of fat honey, blind, dense balls of a diameter of about 10 mm in the morning, eat two or three of these vitamins. The main thing in this recipe is to clean up the seeds. When removing the skin, leave on-site thin films – they are the more necessary for the power of oligo-elements;
- With miss peeled the same method of seed through a meat grinder. Blind of these cakes, and bake in the oven, just example It is a delicious dessert that is easy and the tea. Especially if ready with the fritters, add the honey.
This plant is not all has the taste. However, it is very useful to enhance male potency. Especially a great source of nutrients in the roots of celery. In the stems of good trace elements a little less.
The rhizomes and stalks of celery, – one of the best ways to quickly increase the power of men. A glass of celery juice just before the act of the intimate nature will help him feel more comfortable.
Try the folk remedies for male potency with the celery:
- Grind the roots and stems of celery. Also add grated carrots and turnips. Mix, flavored olive oil and the lemon juice, the salt is preferable not to add. Use as a simple salad, delicious and nutritious;
- Dried celery. Grind to a powder state. Convenient to use, to add constantly to the food and at the same time improve your power;
- Three rhizomes on a grater. Pack the mixture into two layers of cheesecloth, the juice. 2 tablespoons per day will be sufficient for strengthening the male power. You can add a little honey for a better taste;
- Finely chop the celery. Add the small grapes, walnuts, chopped nuts. Rechargeable the sour cream or other fermented products. In the day, without prejudice to the numbers, you can eat up to 2 servings, and to rapidly recover its activity.
This plant, the botanists called "fireweed", formerly used in folk medicine. For the treatment of male potency are good men for the leaves and flowers. Easy decoction of Ivan-tea will be an excellent substitute for coffee and tea, of tea, which are harmful to the sexual activity of men.
In " the remedies to improve the power used fireweed:
- Of the dye. Take a cup of boiling water, and a tablespoon of Ivan-tea. Cover with lid, keep the 20 minutes. Each morning and each evening, you should drink a half cup of this dye for the power. The course of treatment with this a popular method is thirty days. Rest as much and, if necessary, we repeat;
- The decoction. 2 tablespoons of dry plant, pour into a saucepan, pour a glass of water. When the water starts to boil, make the heat lower, cover with the lid, with a slight boil and keep for 15 minutes. Turn off the stove, two hours, keeping the pan closed. Finish the broth you can drink. The better – 2 tbsp three times per day, on an empty stomach;
- Drink tea. Opolaskivaniem kettle of boiling water. We need 3. c. to dry Ivan-tea and half a litre of boiling water. Infusion of our tea, but first we not pay the entire amount of boiling water, only one-third. After 7 minutes, add the rest of the hot water, even a little bit of infusion. This drink can drink in large quantities, and the power will recover. According to taste, add the honey, more or less, of boiling water, if you like strong or weak tea.
Ginger is one of these ingredients, which have often been used in the traditional medicine of the East. This root is perfect for everyday use and strengthen their power. It contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals for a good masculine power.
Used in the popular methods of improving the power of men:
- Take the fresh ginger root and pickles. We need a kilogram of product. Cut into thin slices, after having cleaned the skin. The advance shall be collected from the bank of a capacity of 3 litres, full of the marinade. We need 1.5 cup of rice vinegar, 3 tablespoons tablespoons of sugar. Add the water, mix well. Add the ginger slices. Through seven hours, it is already possible to eat;
- In this national method, you can use it as a dried seasoning, ginger, and fresh roots. Take the ginger and honey in a ratio of 1:1, mix. Put it in a cool place for 15 days. Before you go to bed, use a couple of tablespoons. You can use it as useful to the power of dessert;
- Rub fresh ginger rhizome, grated, of better – not on the smallest. Pour in the vodka. The ginger will make the stain all the nutrients at the earliest at the end of 12 days. After that, you need to filter the dye through a strainer. According to taste add lemon juice, sugar and a little cinnamon. Before you go to bed, drink a teaspoon of tincture with water.
How to increase the power to the house?
The diet well chosen is a very beneficial effect on the sexual life male
Not wanting to go to a doctor, many patients are interested in how to improve the power to the house. Some of them have resorted to the use of reactive drugs. But it is necessary to take into account that these tools have a number of contraindications. A much more effective approach to this complex problem of the physical activity, a balanced diet, as well as ways of helping to normalize the power of men.
The physical exercise contributes to the acceleration of the circulation, which provides blood flow to the sex and to the authority. During the course of sport produced by stamina, it has a positive impact on the duration of the sexual act. To improve the power of men, it is recommended to perform the following exercises:
- Squats. You need to perform the conventional squat, and then return to the original position. It is recommended to repeat 20 to 25 times.
- “The steps of a soldier.” You must perform the steps, lifting the knees to the level of the belly. The hands are allowed to hold arbitrary position on the belt. Walk for 1 minute.
- The uprising of the basin. Lie on the back, relying on the hands, feet, and shoulder blades. Perform the removal of the pan, then return to the initial position. The exercises should mimic the movement of the "front-back". Repeat 25-30 times.
- “The retention of the stone”. Install the feet shoulder-width apart, place hands on the belt. Slowly squat, gently flexing the knees, the legs should not be up to the stop. Engaging in such a position and the maximum strain buttocks. Repeat 10 to 15 times.
- “The bike”. Lie on your back, keep hands on the belt. For prosohnut the knees and raise the hands, to make kicking movements, imitating the bike.
- The race on the spot. Running on the spot, trying not to tear off feet from a floor away.
Constant and regular execution of the squats, contributes to the improvement of the activity of the testes, they begin to produce more of testosterone, which directly affects the power
To achieve the result of Kegel exercises should be performed regularly, with a progressive increase of the load. These movements are allowed to perform during the sexual relations, in order to enhance its length and improve the quality.
The plan
Before sexual intimacy, it is recommended to eat oranges to increase the duration of the sexual act
To improve erections, it is advisable for men to adhere to a special diet. There are products that help increase the strengths of men and the improvement of the power. These include:

- Fish of sea water. Particularly well on male potency affect the flute and the mackerel. They contain a large amount of phosphorus, which increases the production of male hormones.
- The turnip. It contains a large number of different amino acids, which improve the libido and increase the male force. The turnip is not recommended for hepatitis, and if you have problems with the nervous system.
- The lemons and oranges. It is recommended to consume directly in front of sexual intimacy, because these fruits extend the duration of the sexual act. In addition, they act as antioxidants, healthy the whole body.
- Quail eggs. Can be consumed even in a raw state, because it is absolutely harmless product. In a large number contains amino acids and phosphorus, which increase the libido and improves the quality of the sexual act.
- Bananas. Contribute to the extension of the term intimate of the act, as well as the obtaining of sensations during. Additionally, bananas improve the functioning of the whole reproductive system.
- The honey and the pollen. Contain a large amount of protein, which is necessary for the quality of the sexual life. Involved in the production of testosterone, so the effect of the consumption is visible fairly quickly.
- Chocolate. Promote the production of serotonin, a hormone known as the hormone of joy. This product strengthens the libido and enhances sensation during intimacy.
In addition, it is advisable for men to renounce products, such as fat meat, the sweetness of the sparkling water, alcoholic beverages, beverages, pastries. These products are able to the deterioration of erectile function, but also cause a variety of NOSOCOMIAL diseases. The amount of salt in the diet should be reduced.
Rapid methods
Rapidly improve the power help of certain medications, as well as a massage. A massage technique has no contraindications, causes no complications, therefore, the men before the sexual act, it is recommended to perform a self-massage of the genitals.
The massage is done with the observance of the following rules:
- massage need a sector of the testes; a lower libido to do it as often as possible.
- Massage can make all the days, as well as necessarily directly before the sexual contact.
- The massage can even be done during intercourse, it will help you maintain an erection, but also increases the duration of intimacy.
- The massage is useful during the so-called men of the menopause, which on average occurs after age 50.
- The movement of the massage should be smooth and lightweight, it is recommended not to commit the plucked strings of movement.
- During a massage does not produce any pain or sensations that are uncomfortable. When they appear, you need to put an end to the proceedings.
Massage gives you energy and improves the men of the force, but to maximize the effect, impossible to achieve only with a consistent use of its enforcement. The massage can not only increase the power to the house, but to increase its duration. Regular treatment makes intimacy the highest quality, adding new sensations.
Fast the uprising of power are used drugs. It is recommended to use only if all other methods do not provide the good result. The tablets have a lot of contraindications and side effects. Their regular consumption can lead to addiction. In this case, the erection does not occur without tablets.
Folk remedies for enhancing male potency act spine instantly. However, if non-serious medical pathologies, these techniques will help you to get the manhood without danger to the health and for a long time.